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What is the meaning behind “But if I can’t batter the women How the fuck am I supposed to bake ’em a cake then?”? Rap God by Eminem

Eminem plays on the meaning of “batter.” Battered Women Syndrome is a defence in court that states you had to kill/assault your partner in order to live. On the other hand, cake batter is the mixture of all the ingredients to bake a cake. These lines also contain a connection to the Chris Brown and …

What is the meaning behind “But fuck it, life’s handin’ you lemons? Make lemonade then!”? Rap God by Eminem

The phrase “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade” was coined in a 1915 obituary for Marshall Pinckney Wilder. In the obituary, author Elbert Hubbard wrote: He was a walking refutation of that dogmatic statement, Mens sana in corpore sano. His was a sound mind in an unsound body. He proved the eternal paradox of …

What is the meaning behind “I have, then you may be a little patient And more sympathetic to the situation And understand the discrimination”? Rap God by Eminem

Eminem beckons the listener, whether it be fan, critic, stan or hater to understand the situation that he was in with different women in his life and how he has been treated by them, they could better understand his disposition towards women. Em is implying problems with the women in his life justify the way …

What is the meaning behind “But if you take into consideration the bitter hatred”? Rap God by Eminem

Along with the next two lines, Eminem is referring to his past, hence the “bitter hatred that I HAVE.” Eminem came from a broken home where he was abused, and was bullied multiple times and was even put in a coma. The “bitter hatred” also ties with the line “Life’s handin’ you lemons? Make lemonade …

What is the meaning behind “They’re askin’ me to eliminate some of the women hate”? Rap God by Eminem

Eminem has been known for hating on women and homosexuals. Although he has proven to everyone that he really doesn’t and only says this stuff for his music, people protest against his absurd lyrics and how he’s molding the youth.

What is the meaning behind “But in my head there’s something I can feel tugging and struggling Angels fight with devils and here’s what they want from me”? Rap God by Eminem

Eminem is referring to a “ strong shoulder angel .” The angel represents the person’s conscience, often accompanied by a shoulder devil representing temptation. It’s a common plot device in media in order to represent someone’s inner conflict visually. Eminem has used the same device before in Guilty Conscience , wherein he and Dre act …

What is the meaning behind “I’m drunk, so, Satan, take the fucking wheel I’ma sleep in the front seat”? Rap God by Eminem

Opposite of Carrie Underwood ’s “Jesus Take The Wheel” . The expression “Jesus take the wheel” means that you are strong allowing Jesus to make your decisions . But since Eminem is drunk, which is a sin, Satan is now driving and making the decisions. This isn’t the only Carrie Underwood reference in the album: …