A Song Wall What is the meaning behind "Only realized it was ironic, I was signed to Aftermath after the fact"? Rap God by Eminem - A Song Wall

What is the meaning behind “Only realized it was ironic, I was signed to Aftermath after the fact”? Rap God by Eminem

  • by imrk
  • March 24, 2023

strong Aftermath Entertainment is the record label that Eminem has been signed to since 1998 and remains signed to it today. strong Aftermath wordplay ul li Em’s last name is strong Math ers . He constantly raps about what the game will be like after he is gone, strong After Mathers strong As a noun ul li means strong the outcome of disasters (eg. aftermath of war or a flood). This relates to next line about F-bombs The word “aftermath” implies a disaster happened before hand. It’s ironic that Em dropped his lyrical bombs after signing to Aftermath.