A Song Wall What is the meaning behind "Two plus two is four Minus one, that's three, quick maths"? Man's Not Hot by Big Shaq - A Song Wall

What is the meaning behind “Two plus two is four Minus one, that’s three, quick maths”? Man’s Not Hot by Big Shaq

  • by imrk
  • April 09, 2023

“Mad About Bars” , released in April 2017, where AM raps: 8 2 that’s eighty two Times five now we’re onto you Or 9 9 that’s 81 Plus 47 plus 22 Mathematics just adding up… In 410’s example, and others like it, the mathematics has a covert meaning—five times 82 is 410. But Roadman Shaq’s maths has no meaning and is done for comedic effect.